
Team Oceania - OC #1

Picture of Dave Mueller, N2NL
Team Leader:

Dave Mueller, N2NL

Other callsigns: NH2T, WH7AA
Country: USA (Hawaii)
Age (WRTC 2018): 47
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2002, 2006, 2014
Occupation: Chief Warrant Officer (US Coast Guard)
I am an Active Duty member of the US Coast Guard and have lived in Oceania since 2010, first in Guam and more recently in Hawaii. I am the Port Engineer for the Hawaii based Coast Guard patrol boats and buoy tenders. I am married with three children, 11, 13, and an adult who also lives in Honolulu.
I gained my interest in amateur radio through Scouting, and thanks to my Elmer AA2F, was licensed as KB2BNS at age 15. Introduced to contesting by neighbor W2REH, I was invited to join the N2RM M/M team in the early 1990’s.
Along with team mate N6MJ, we finished 4th at WRTC 2002 in Finland and were the runners-up at WRTC 2006 in Brazil. Most recently, Tom W2SC and I competed in Boston in 2014, finishing 12th. In addition to Amateur Radio, I am an avid cyclist and amateur WWII historian.
I am indebted to Alex, KH6YY and Kimo, KH7U whom without their assistance I would not have been able to compete for the Team Leader position. My recent single and multi op contest activities as KH7XX, WH7AA, and KH6J would not have happened without their support. Mahalo!

Picture of Tom Georgens, W2SC
Team Mate:

Tom Georgens, W2SC

Other callsigns: 8P5A, 8P1A, 8P7A
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 58
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2006, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Retired
I was first licensed in 1974 while I was in High School. My dad was a ham and got me interested in the hobby and we shared many positive radio experiences together. Ham Radio was also instrumental in my choice to pursue a career in Engineering.
Contesting was at best a casual activity for many years until the early 90's when I finally had enough room to build a top 10 class station. I was fortunate enough to meet Randy, K5ZD who gave me the opportunity to operate from his fine station and I won my first contests.
My professional career took my family and I to Kansas and California. Neither location afforded a chance to build a station, so I tried operating from the Caribbean in 1996. I eventually took over the famed 8P9Z station in 2001 and have operated there since.
I have three kids and a wonderful wife Kathleen, a contest operator as well, whose unyielding support and understanding have made my contesting possible.

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