
Team North America - NA #9

Picture of Frederick Kleber, K9VV
Team Leader:

Frederick Kleber, K9VV

Other callsigns: NP2X
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 58
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Telecom Engineer
Amateur radio has been a life-long hobby (40+ years) which led me to a professional communications career, while at the same time providing an enjoyable outlet. My sincerest thanks to those great hams who have mentored and taught me. I strive to return the same passion in helping others learn to enjoy our wonderful hobby. It has been immensely pleasurable to meet other great hams around the world in the many countries. At the end of the day, it is people that are the fabric of the amateur fraternity. My interest in lingual skills is also greatly enhanced by ham radio. I enjoy contesting, DXing, DXpeditioning and using my hobby to help others. Of particular interest is assisting the local emergency management agency in the event of disasters. Saving lives by doing something that is a "hobby" is a great thing. This was certainly true in twin category five hurricanes 'Irma' and 'Maria' in the past year. In summary, amateur radio has enriched my life immensely, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Picture of John Sluymer, VE3EJ
Team Mate:

John Sluymer, VE3EJ

Other callsigns: VE6OU
Country: Canada
Age (WRTC 2018): 63
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Broadcast Infrastructure
First licensed February 1972 as VE3AKG.
Active contester and DX'er for 46 years.
Calls held: VE3AKG (1972 - 1979), PA9YI (1973), VE6OU (1979 - Present), VE3OZU (1985 - 1990), VE3EJ (1990 - Present), 8P9EJ (1998), VP8DEJ (2002), VP2EEJ (2004), VC3J (2006, 2007 & 2018).
DX Pedition team member: VP8THU (South Sandwich, 2002), VP8GEO (South Georgia, 2002), FT5XO (Kerguelin, 2005) and VP8ORK (South Orkney 2011).
Canadian team leader at WRTC 1996 (4th place as K6P), WRTC 2000(11th place as S581I), WRTC 2002 (6th place as OJ5A), WRTC 2006 (First place as PT5M) and WRTC 2010 (22nd place as R34C), WRTC 2014 (5th place as K1M). WRTC partner VE7ZO (VE3IY) on first 5 occasions, K9VV (NP2X) in 2014.
CQ contest hall of fame - May 2011.
FOC member since 2011.
CW Ops member since 2010.
Currently employed as senior project manager in the Broadcast infrastructure field and living in the Niagara region in Ontario.

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