
Team Europe - EU #2_1

Picture of Sebastien Le Gall, F8DBF
Team Leader:

Sebastien Le Gall, F8DBF

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: France
Age (WRTC 2018): 39
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Technician on Logistics & Management
I'm 38 years old and I'm technician on logistic and management. I was born in Brest (North West France). I began the amateur radio on 1999 with F4DBF callsign (CEPT class B) and discovered the 6 meters (magic band) and also some 2 meters. I learned the CW and obtain the CEPT class A with my actual callsign F8DBF on 2002. After, I still very active on VHF band and up to 23cm and make some HF QSO. Member of F6KHM radioclub better know with the contest call TM6M, we began also to participate at the HF contest and since 2006 at all major event (WW, ARRL, WPX). The continual improvement of the station with F5TTU Xavier as the main driver, result to the best ranking and often good European place. I still have my own station, QRV from 160m to 23cm band and like to work DX on CW (preferred mode), SSB or digital. I really enjoyed my participation on WRTC 2014 in Boston and I'm very happy to be qualified for 2018 edition in Germany.

Picture of Olivier Seizelet, F1AKK
Team Mate:

Olivier Seizelet, F1AKK

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: France
Age (WRTC 2018): 40
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Truck Driver
I'm 40 years old. I was born in Verdun in 1978. Ham radio since 1995 i was first interested in V,U,SHF. Then I came for work in 1997 into Brest and in the 2003 we started contest on HF with low setup, We saw that our place was a good qth particulary for NA. We improved station with our nice technician F5TTU Xavier. We were in Boston as competitor as W1S in 2014. We liked this kind of competition where all are equal by power, antennas. It'll be nice to come back in the game in Germany, seeing again lots of friends we can see only every 4 years! Propagation won't be the same it'll be a challange for qso'ing this time.

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