Team Europe - EU #1_4

Team Leader: | Ingemar Fogelberg, SM5AJV |
Other callsigns: | SE5E |
Country: | Sweden |
Age (WRTC 2018): | 57 |
Previous WRTC experience: | n/a |
Occupation: | Radio system developer |
My interest in radio started with SWLing at 12 years age using my parents old tube radio and a short piece of wire. At the age of 14 the local radio club had an exhibition during the weekend and I found my new love: Ham Radio. Soon after I started to learn CW and at the age of 15 I got my own call sign SM0AJV. Only after a few days on the air with my XTAL transmitter I entered my first contest and was hooked for the rest of my life. I have been the contest editor for the swedish ham magazine for ten years and I am now teamleader for the SAC Contest Committee. I am also often working contests from the Fernebo Contest Station SK3W.The radio interest also went into my professional career with both B.SC and M.SC in telecommunications. I have been working in different radio related projects the last 35 years. I am married to my lovely and supporting wife Mari and we have two grown-up children. |

Team Mate: | Gunnar Widell, SM3SGP |
Other callsigns: | SK3W, SG3P |
Country: | Sweden |
Age (WRTC 2018): | 46 |
Previous WRTC experience: | Competitor: 2002 |
Occupation: | Engineer |
I started with hamradio and contesting in 1987, and have been active continiously since then. Since 1995 I have been building on and operating at SK3W, 1h30min drive from Stockholm, where I live and work. I like experimenting with the latest SDR technology and remote operation, and keep the station fit and up and running. I have operated from various locations of the world, mostly during business trips with Ericsson working with 2G/3G/4G and soon 5G. I participated in WRTC 2002 in Finland. |
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