
Tent Sponsors

The South German DX Group (SDXG)

The South German DX Group is since 1971 a loosely organized group of DX- and Contest-minded hams of the age 19 - 90 in South Germany. Its purpose is the promotion of the DX-sport by combined efforts of the members in logistical and financial support of Dxpeditions, be it members or others, participation in the CQWWDX-contest and two or more annual meetings at different places, often at the famous DX-station of the Lampertheim Amateur Radio Club DL0WW.

Member can (and should) become every DXer in the above mentioned area.

Every monday at 19.00 CE(S)T members and friends meet on 3740 Khz under the guidance of Hardy DL8NU (DK0SD) exchanging DX-news.

An internet homepage maintained by DL2SBA containing news and reports and proven hamradio links can be found under the URL

There is a SDXG-award and a challenge cup for members participating in the CQWWDX-contest in fone, cw or RTTY.

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