Tent Sponsors
In Memoriam David Collingham, K3LP

K3LP (SK) January 5, 2018.
This tent is dedicated to the memory of David Collingham, K3LP, from friends in the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) and the National Capitol DX Association (NCDXA). David was past president of the NCDXA, and also of the Intrepid DX Group.
David was well known among radio amateurs worldwide for his DX-pedition and contesting activities. He visited 104 DXCC countries and went on 70 DX-peditions, including to 8 of the top 10 most wanted DXCC entities. He also was on teams at TI5W, VP5LP, and FS5KA that placed first in contests.
David believed in giving back. This was notably evidenced when he received the CQ Magazine DX Hall of Fame award in 2014. He took the occasion to deliver a thoughtful address on the "Humanitarian Side of DX-Peditions and DXing." He spoke of involving young people and leaving equipment and antennas at the rare DX spots he visited to help local operators get on the air.
David also devoted substantial personal time to youth development in ham radio. He helped found and sponsor a radio club at the school that he attended as a child, the Dorothy Grant Elementary School in Fontana, California and proudly served as the club vice president and trustee of the club's station, K6DGE. He authored courses in electronics for the elementary school students and made them freely available. The picture above is from David's last visit to the school in September, 2017, when he worked with new fourth grade students to complete QSOs with 40 States and 2 countries. The banners on the wall are those that David took on DX-peditions and returned to the school when he discussed his radio adventures with the students.
He had planned to attend WRTC2018, and we hope this tent will help keep his spirit alive in the hearts of so many who knew him.