
Tent Sponsors

In Memoriam Fiorenzo Mainoli, HB9FAQ

Fiorenzo Mainoli (Fiore) has become a silent key on March 1st, 2017.

We lost with Fiore a highly recognized and always helpful radio amateur. He was an avid contester and former president of a local Ham Radio club for several years. His effort to promote new challenges and enhance interest in amateur radio was absolutely amazing.

Fiorenzo supported several ham radio courses, forging new hams around our area. He also was a guest-operator at many other stations. His love for CW led him to distinguish himself on different SOTA and /P activities with his dear friends of all time.

We have lost a most valuable radio friend.

We all know that this tent and his team will fight for the victory. Stay close to them.

You will always be in our Team from your great location: the Heaven ! Florida, America, Quebec 73

The HB9ON Radio Club

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