Tent Sponsors
In Memoriam Horst Weissleder DL5YY
Horst, DL5YY (ex Y23EK), was a steady member of Germany's ham radio fraternity since 1959. Beginning in 1970, Horst was the driving behind the formation and constant development of the Ilmenau Contest Club (Y34K, later DF0HQ). Under his leadership this team broke into the top-rankings of international contesting well before 1990.
Furthermore, he was one of the founders of Germany's efforts (Y61HQ and DA0HQ) in the IARU contest, securing the world championship multiple times. His positive personality and inclusive spririt was instrumental in the formation of the team at Ilmenau, which, by now, looks back at over 40 years of successful contesting at an international level.
During the months leading up to Germany's reunification Horst worked ceaselessly as vice-president of East Germany's radio club to ensure a smooth transition into the DARC. Within DARC he managed the administration of special DOKs for special event stations between 1992 and 2005.
Horst always understood amateur radio as a hobby that continually engages and challenges seasoned operators and newcomers alike. Consequently, he took a critical yet constructive interest in many of the issues that marked the steps of progress in our hobby.
Through his death, his club at Ilmenau and the DA0HQ-team lost an exceptional radio amateur, a dear friend and paragon of true ham spirit.
Sponsored In Memoriam by the DA0HQ-Team and Ilmenau Contest Club