
Youth Team #1

Picture of Mathias Acevedo von Frey, CE2LR
Team Leader:

Mathias Acevedo von Frey, CE2LR

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: Chile
Age (WRTC 2018): 23
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Student
Well, amateur radio from the age of 14, first in my family, addicted to contests in cw and ssb and DX, I participated in competitions about 4 years ago, I participate with the CE3CT or SO team from that station or my small station that is built In these 7 years of amateur radio.

Picture of Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO
Team Mate:

Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 14
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Student
Bryant, age 14, became a ham in 2015 and upgraded to Extra in 2017. He enjoys contesting, DXing, CW, and antenna building and was a team member on the 2017 Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure to Costa Rica. He is a member of the Jefferson Amateur Radio Club, the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club, as well as CWops, and the Georgia Contesting Group. As a Boy Scout, Bryant was introduced to amateur radio at a Boy Scout Merit Badge course. He was the youth pilot for the 3Y0Z DXpedition to Bouvet and hopes to join the off-island team again for the next attempt of putting Bouvet on the air. He enjoys playing baseball and writing radio-related articles for Solid Copy and the K9YZ Telegraph.

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