
Wild Card Team #6

Picture of Gilles Renucci, VA2EW
Team Leader:

Gilles Renucci, VA2EW

Other callsigns: VE2TZT
Country: Canada
Age (WRTC 2018): 57
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Retired manager
... missing

Picture of Arno Polinsky, DL1CW
Team Mate:

Arno Polinsky, DL1CW

Other callsigns: 9G5ZZ, 5H3AP, J79ZZ, V31PA, 9H3AP, OK8EAO
Country: Germany
Age (WRTC 2018): 61
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Engineer Information Technology
Born in 1957, I started HAM radio in 1979, right after my public service, where I learned Morse code already. At the local Club station I found my Mentor, Tina - DL5YL. She teaches me all that new things and supported me to keep CW as my favorite way of communication on air. After a short SWL period, I made my first QSO in September 1979. I got my first personal call sign in Feb. 1980, and since then I am hitting the waves by 99,95% in CW. In 1993 I got the chance to change my call into DL1CW.
In my professional life, I used to work in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry. Planning of mobile phone/data networks in many countries around the world was the main subject here. Currently I am working as a Field Project Manager in the domain of car telematics.
Since 2004, I am member of the German National Team for High Speed Telegraphy and attended ten World or IARU Region 1 HST Championships as a competitor. Over the years I was on air from almost all continents (except Oceania) and enjoying the other site of the pile-ups. Most of the time doing that in holiday style, but also have been member of bigger team expeditions.
Contesting is another focus to me. With a LP station it remains a challenge to hit the top ten ranking in major contests from Germany. I am happy that I became a long time member within the CR3L/CR3W Team in major CW contests too.
It is my first entry into the WRTC world.

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