
Sponsored Team #5

Picture of Adrian Ciuperca, YO8SCA
Team Leader:

Adrian Ciuperca, YO8SCA

Other callsigns: KO8SCA
Country: Romania
Age (WRTC 2018): 44
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: IT Consultant in New York
Going on DXpeditions was a dream of mine since working my first DX station: ZA1A, when it first went on the air. I received my license and callsign YO8SCA in 1990 when I was 16 years old. As I found learning CW easy, it soon became my main operating mode. The technical side and the lure of the DX are what first attracted me to the hobby, since I was always fascinated by electronics, computers and technology, in general, and decided to choose a career that makes use of them. At the Polytechnic University in Bucharest, Romania, I studied Computer Science, but soon after finishing college, I moved to the United States, and currently I work as an IT Consultant for a New York City firm. I hold a US Extra amateur radio license and have the vanity callsign KO8SCA, which I chose as it resembles my first callsign, YO8SCA. My new callsign reminds me of my teenage years when I spent countless fun hours at the local radio club and at the many QRV outings for the VHF/UHF contests. My wife Mioara, who is a computer professional as well, never minds my taking the ham radio with me whenever we travel overseas to some interesting DX spot. Apart from ham radio, I also enjoy traveling, sailing and skiing. For many years, I focused primarily on my career, and so ham radio took a back seat, but recently I fell in love with another aspect of my ham radio hobby, namely, contesting, which is indeed the challenging side of the hobby. Challenges are what improve our skills and knowledge, as they require a lot of stamina, both physical and psychological, to withstand the 24 or 48 hours of constant pileups. In addition to stamina, strategy, operating skills and technical skills are needed as well in order to achieve performance in radio sport. And the biggest challenge of all in amateur radio contesting is the WRTC. Final thoughts. To be a guest operator at a famous contest station, such as the NR4M, K1LZ, K1TTT or take part in the ARRL Field Day at N2SF and experience contesting at its best; to spend time at WE2OEM (The Barn), giving back to the hobby by being a VE Examiner and helping others to get their amateur radio licenses; to meet some of the best operators in the world at the WRTC 2018 in Germany, where one can make friendships that last a lifetime -- these are things of great importance to me.

Picture of Adi Voh, S55M
Team Mate:

Adi Voh, S55M

Other callsigns: 9A8WW, 6Y1M, JT5MM
Country: Slovenia
Age (WRTC 2018): 51
Previous WRTC experience: none
Occupation: Electronics
My amateur radio activity started in 1981, when I received my first ham license. Since the beginning, I was involved almost exclusively in contesting and construction of my own equipment. At that time, I was focused mostly on V/U/SHF bands. Later on, I joined 9A1P team and found out the thrills of HF contesting also. With friends from all over the world, we did some great results (TM2W 1st place IARU UHF, OE1W 1st place IARU VHF and 9A1P 1st place CQ WW EU, K1LZ,E7DX, JT5DX,6Y1M,LZ5R). When I meet Krassy, K1LZ we realized that we share common passion for amateur radio and we joined our forces and dedication. The result of this, is lot of fun and good results in HF contesting. At this time, I am member of LZ5R Milara contest club and we are trying to get most of possible from southeastern Europe location. My amateur radio life would not be the same without endless support and motivation from my partner Sonja S53GO, who always encourages me and stands by my side. I can't wait to see best of the best of hamradio contesting at WRTC 2018 and exchange some ideas with other participants. Big THANKS to organizers for letting this happen.

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