
Team North America - NA #7

Picture of Jeffrey T. Briggs, VY2ZM
Team Leader:

Jeffrey T. Briggs, VY2ZM

Other callsigns: K1ZM
Country: Canada
Age (WRTC 2018): 71
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2000, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Retired
Enjoy DX and Contesting – 160M Specialist – Author of Dx'ing on the Edge – 160M

Picture of Patrick W. Briggs, KK6ZM
Team Mate:

Patrick W. Briggs, KK6ZM

Other callsigns: K6AAX, VP2MXA
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 46
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Wealth & Investment Management
My original callsign was KJ6CWP. I attained the vanity callsign of K6AAX soon after and operated several contests from VY2ZM and as VP2MXA from Montserrat Island. In late 2012, I changed my callsign to KK6ZM in honor of my father, K1ZM and my uncle, K3ZM. The contest within a low band contest is to work all three of us or "Work ALL ZMs". I assure you that I am the most challenging to work. That should make me the most fun, right?
My current interests are contesting, particularly SSB, and working low band DX on 75m and 160m. My original interest in amateur radio stemmed from collecting SWL confirmations from AM radio stations across North America. I still enjoy doing that to this day.
Bottom line: If the station is weak and sounds far away, I want to work them. It is the challenge of the hunt that excites me and keeps me engaged in this great hobby.

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