
Team North America - NA #3

Picture of Terry Zivney, N4TZ
Team Leader:

Terry Zivney, N4TZ

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 69
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2010
Occupation: Retired
First interested in ham radio after reading "SOS at Midnight" in the late 1950s. First licensed in 1961. Active on-and-off for many years because of frequent moves.
I designed satellite radios and dedicated microcontroller systems in the 1970s before returning to school to study business finance. I taught finance at universities until I retired in 2013. Director of CQ WPX SSB/CW contests since 2013.
Over the years my interests in ham radio have evolved from traffic handling nets (required daily commitments to schedule operating time) to DXing (sporadic time requirements but often inconvenient hours that could not be planned for) to Contesting, which requires scheduling occasional blocks of time which can be planned far in advance. In my opinion, Contesting is much more family-friendly than traffic handling nets or DXing. It provides the thrill of snagging DX with the certainty of making QSOs found in nets.
My six primary contests for many years have been the CQ WW, ARRL DX, and CQ WPX Contests. I was a competitor at WRTC 2010 (Russia) with Marv, N5AW, as my teammate. The process of trying to qualify for WRTC led me to try many other interesting contests such as the RDXC and WAE contests, although the additional weekends caused some conflict with my "family-friendly" approach to contesting.

Picture of Ed Sawyer, N1UR
Team Mate:

Ed Sawyer, N1UR

Other callsigns: K8EP, XX9TEP, A52UR, PJ2E, C6ARS
Country: USA
Age (WRTC 2018): 56
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Business Manager
An engineer by training, always in the business of applying advanced technology for elecrronics companies. After numerous stints with large industrial companies, I now run a 50 person Power Electronics company in Vermont, USA. Married with 3 adult children. My wife Christine is KB1PQN. We have DX'd from 9M6 Spratly. I have operated from A52, XX9, and others. Contesting seriously since 1997. Holder of Low Power USA records. Best win was CQ WW SSB World Low Power.

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