
Team Europe - EU #7_3

Picture of Frank Grossmann, DL2CC
Team Leader:

Frank Grossmann, DL2CC

Other callsigns: DQ2C
Country: Germany
Age (WRTC 2018): 49
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2000, 2002, 2006
Occupation: Data Privacy Compliance Consultant
I'm licensed since 1983 and started as a CW enthusiast and High Speed Telegraphy competitor. Soon I discovered the thrill of contesting, learning how to work a contest as a regular member of the contest teams at ON4UN. I am still a referee at the IARU world championships in High Speed Telegraphy and like CW most of all. My home is in the south of Germany where I recently moved to the countryside to have a place for our hobby. I'm self-employed and work as consultant on data privacy and information security. It's a great honor to be participating at a WRTC event again after so many years - the bronze medal in Finland in 2002 was a long time ago.

Picture of Winfried Kriegl, DK9IP
Team Mate:

Winfried Kriegl, DK9IP

Other callsigns: KH7CD
Country: Germany
Age (WRTC 2018): 58
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2014
Occupation: Technical investigator / Insurance Adjuster
Introduced to Ham Radio by my dad (DL9OT sk), I learned CW at age 14 and was active as SWL until I was licensed at age 16. Contesting ever since with high priority on CW.

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