
Team Europe - EU #6_3

Picture of Vladimir Aksenov, RW1A
Team Leader:

Vladimir Aksenov, RW1A

Other callsigns: RW1AC
Country: Russia
Age (WRTC 2018): 51
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 1996, 2000, 2002, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Salesman
Start in radio 1981, RU1A station since 1997 building, wife. 2 doughters 11 years

Picture of Alexey Mikhailov, RA1A
Team Mate:

Alexey Mikhailov, RA1A

Other callsigns: EA8MAP
Country: Russia
Age (WRTC 2018): 39
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2010, 2014
Occupation: CEO
RU1A, ED8X team. CW fan, winner of some contests include WRTC 2010 (RW1AC/RA1AIP team).

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