
Team Europe - EU #4_3

Picture of Jon Zumalabe, EA2OT
Team Leader:

Jon Zumalabe, EA2OT

Other callsigns: EF2A
Country: Spain
Age (WRTC 2018): 36
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: Business Development Manager
I was born and live in San Sebastian in the Basque Country. Since I was a child I was very curious about technology and communications, thanks to my father who is also a technology lover. At the age of 12 I bought a Walkie-talkie and sold it to buy a CB radio. I spent some years DXing on CB and got my first Ham License on 1998.
My first contest experience was on CQ WW SSB 2003. Multi operations have been the most interesting part of contesting during all this years because I learnt a lot from others and friendship is for sure the best part of this hobby.Thanks to my CW Elmer, Mr. Angel EA2BNU, CW is my preferred mode.
I always tried to be as much competitive as possible and participating in WRTC has been a dream since long time ago, but was out of reach because I hadn't a station at home competitive enough to be among the first positions. On January 2015, supported by my wife Raquel, I rented a small piece of ground on a 400m hilltop facing the Atlantic ocean. I was dreaming to build my own contest station since long time ago, and this location seamed the best place I could afford. I built a contest station from scratch in few months, with 2nd hand materials and homemade antennas and switching systems. My first contest from this QTH was the RDXC with just a fixed small tribander and a 40-80m vertical. I kept working hard to get the station ready to be able to compete for a place to participate in the WRTC 2018. I succeed and hopefully one of my biggest dreams will come true on 2018 with my first ever participation in the WRTC.

Picture of Juan Jesus Hidalgo Santana, EA8RM
Team Mate:

Juan Jesus Hidalgo Santana, EA8RM

Other callsigns: EF8R, EF8U, EA8CAC, CN2RM
Country: Spain
Age (WRTC 2018): 42
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2010
Occupation: Sales Business
I started on Radio (CB & VHF) in 1990. In 2000 started to visit the local club EA8URL. There i met many friends and my mentor, my dear friend Manolo EA8ZS who invite me operate in my first contest from his home. I remember to visit sometimes the OH2U team in Gran Canaria operating from Sardina (EA8BH) and from the Bunker "The Magic Mountain". After few contest, i received the invitation from Pekka EA8AH (OH1RY) to operate from his station "The Magic Mountain". It was very exciting to be with the Finish team (OH1RY, OH2MM, OH2KI, OH1MA, ES2RR, ES5TV, and many other friends, after that, i can't stop contesting. I took part in some dxpeditions to Bangladesh and Suriname.
In 2010 i was invited to operate RDXC from RZ3AXX winning SOAB HP. One of the best experiences it was to feel WRTC2010 as competitors with my good friend Marino EA8DP, we haved a great time un Russia with all competitors. I had the pleassure to be one of organizers of EF8HQ team winning HQ IARU contest by 3 times. Managing EA8URL Radio Club fron 2012 (EF8U). Some operations from: CN2R, PZ5YV, S21XA, UA5A, EF8R, EF8U, EA8AH, EA8ZS

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