
Team Europe - EU #3_2

Picture of Rastislav Hrnko, OM3BH
Team Leader:

Rastislav Hrnko, OM3BH

Other callsigns: 7W2OM, 9A1V, 9A8RR, CT9M, CR3A, CR2X, D4C, IB0R, IS0/OM8A, OE3K, OK5W, OM8A, R34W, S528D, W1L
Country: Slovakia
Age (WRTC 2018): 50
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2000, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Technician (operational planing of power grid)
I started with Amateur Radio since 1978. My first activities began from club station OK3RRC. When I was 15 I got special callsign for young operators OL9CPG. Later I got callsign OK3TPG. During my studies at the Slovak Technical University I was very active from the student club station OK3KFF. Since 2004 we have started operation from new location as OM8A as well as from the others countries during big contests. I took part in WRTC 2000, 2010, 2014.

Picture of Jozef Lang, OM3GI
Team Mate:

Jozef Lang, OM3GI

Other callsigns: 7W2OM, 9A1V, 9A8RR, CT9M, CR3A, CQ3B, CR3DX, D4C, IB0R, IS0/OM8A, CT9ABO
Country: Slovakia
Age (WRTC 2018): 57
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2000, 2010, 2014
Occupation: Electronic Engineer
I received my first license in 1975 when I was 15 years old and started with small homemade station on 160m band. My primary interest in amateur radio is contesting. I took part in many contests, mostly as a member of OM8A team.
I had the opportunity to operate from foreign contest stations and achieved good results as 7W2OM, CT9M, CR3A, CQ3B, D4C, etc.
I was a competitor at WRTC 2000, 2010 and 2014. I look forward to meet a lot of friends and to be a part of the great amateur radio event.

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