
Tent Sponsors

Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC)

This tent is dedicated by members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) to the memory of all PVRC Silent Keys from 1947 to the present.

The concept of a radio club specializing in contest and DX operating activities took hold in the Washington, D.C. area shortly after World War II. Founded in 1947, PVRC quickly established a long tradition of club competition success in both domestic and DX contests. Today PVRC is a regional amateur radio club spread over 6 states and the District of Columbia. Our members are devoted to excellence in the competitive aspects of ham radio, particularly contesting.

PVRC promotes excellence in radiosport by:

  • Competing and winning in club competition
  • Stimulating the development of operating and technical skills
  • Sharing information and knowledge
  • Attracting, mentoring and supporting new contesters
  • Developing a spirit of camaraderie and fun

We encourage every member to get on the air for every contest and to track their growth in contesting skills through the club's "5 Million" awards program. Members earn points toward the PVRC 5 Million Award with scores that are normalized based on the top member score and accumulated for each major contest with club competition. PVRC was first among North American clubs in 10 major club competitions in 2015.

Keeping with the tradition of "once a PVRC member, always a member," the club literally has members world-wide. Each June the PVRC on-the-air reunion brings out the contest spirit and provides an opportunity to renew old friendships.

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