
Team Europe - EU #4_2

Picture of Matteo Marzilli, IZ3EYZ
Team Leader:

Matteo Marzilli, IZ3EYZ

Other callsigns: n/a
Country: Italy
Age (WRTC 2018): 34
Previous WRTC experience: Competitor: 2006
Occupation: n/a
First qso with an A7 on 20mt SSB in July 1993 at age 9. The second one took place only (!) 4 years later in April 1997 with a 5X on 20mt SSB. The next 2,5 years were spent dxing with very limited equipment: 100w, trapped vertical and wires, no cluster. In December 1999 I got the chance to start using a local radio shack where a TH6 on a 20mt high tower was available but nobody was interested in operating. I spent the entire 23rd solar cycle peak having fun there. In Spring 1999 learnt CW by myself listening to real radio stations on HF and practicing with paddle for TX. The desire to work them was a strong enough motivation for me to learn morse code. In 2001 I bought my first amplifier with some savings, requested my own callsign, started operating digi modes (RTTY/PSK31) and using packet cluster for dx hunting with AGWPE through the PC soundcard.
Discovered contesting for the first time reading CQ Magazine 9/1995 article about CQWW SSB 1994 results. Something must have hooked me up because I found myself SWLing a bit in 1995/1996 CQWWs SSB. IARU 1997 was my first contest (paper logging). Second one in 1998 and I already switched to PC logging (CT DOS). Until 2003 contesting for me was just part-time due to high school obligations. The only contests I could operate full time were All Asian CW and IARU during Summer holidays. In IARU 2001/2002 I did my first SO2R experiments.
Since nobody was interested in dxing/contesting in my area and I had no internet my elmering had always been reading magazines, listening to others operating on the bands, playing with PED contest simulator, etc. In 2003 I finished high school, went to University to study automation engineering, got a driving licence, a car, and started to have the first taste of what a "real contest station" is by guest operating.
Nowadays, 15 years later, I found myself still hooked to dxing/contesting despite UPs and DOWNs in the activity due to time availability which is the only real limit.

Picture of Andrea Amati, IK4VET
Team Mate:

Andrea Amati, IK4VET

Other callsigns: IO4T
Country: Italy
Age (WRTC 2018): 43
Previous WRTC experience: n/a
Occupation: IT systems and networking support
Ham since 1992, contester since 1998. Founder member of ARIMODENA - IO4T team now QRT. I operated from many italian contest stations: often IR4X Mops, others has been IO4T/IQ4AX, IR2C, I4LEC, IO5O, II2E, IR9Y, IQ1RY/IO1T, IO4W, IR4M, IK2YCW. Some nice SOAB from I4LEC.
Married with Maria, when not contesting I enjoy hiking and mountain bike with my sons Giacomo and Davide.

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